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MINISTRIES at Bethlehem Lutheran

Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!"    Isaiah 6:8

Social Ministry Committee

Our Social Ministry Committee extends Christian compassion and helpfulness to the ill, aged, unprivileged and to all in need of aid to body or soul.  

Acts 20:35  "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive."


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Sharing God's Love: This is our local food pantry that we support. We collect and donate food, school supplies and birthday bags for this much needed ministry.


Social Ministry Care Fund: Funded solely by donations from our members, this can be used to help members going through difficult times with needs such as medicine, bills, etc



Transportation:  The Social Ministry Committee is happy to arrange  rides to Sunday School and Church Worship services.


Quilt Ministry:  Bethlehem Lutheran has a fabulous Quilt making team that creates beautiful quilts to distribute to various organizations such as Epworth Children's Home, Toby's House, etc


Cards/Visits: We periodically send cards and make visits to cheer home-bound and nursing home members



Adopt-a-Highway Litter Pick Up: We have a quarterly litter pick-up to beautify the area around our church (from 10,000 Broad Road to Salem Church Road



Lutheran Campus Ministry at Uof SC:  Along with other area Lutheran churche, we take turns serving dinner to the students prior to their Sunday evening worship services.


Music Ministries

Welcome to Music Ministries! We currently have Choir and Handbells, as well as many Instrumentalists who share their talents during some of our worship services. Our congregation is blessed to have many who share their musical gifts!

The Choir is made up of congregational members who volunteer their time to help lead worship each Sunday and prepare special music to enhance our worship experience.


Sing praises to God, sing praises;

Sing praises to our King, sing praises.(Psalm 47:6)


Members of our Handbell group work to prepare music for special worship services, like Christmas and Easter, but we also enjoy preparing some pieces for preludes and offertory during our weekly worship service. We have a 3-octave Malmark handbell set and always welcome new ringers to join us.

Education Ministries

Our Christian education programs cover all ages. We offer Sunday School instruction each week from Nursery to adult. There are Confirmation classes for our middle school children. Bethlehem Lutheran also hosts a Bible Study group which meets weekly!! Come and see which programs interest you and let us help you grow in your faith.

Sunday School

Bethlehem Lutheran offers engaging programs for younger children as well as in depth discussion for adults. Classes are offered from 9:30 – 10:15AM each Sunday.


During 7th-9th grade our youth attend confirmation classes with the pastor. This is their opportunity to begin to explore their faith at a deeper level.


Areas of focus include Baptism, Grace, Holy Communion, Grace, the church year, Grace, Bible study, Grace, the Reformation, Grace,  the Apostles' Creed, Grace,  the Ten Commandments, Grace, the Lord's Prayer. and Grace.

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Prayer Shawl Ministry

Several members of Bethlehem Lutheran Church participate in a prayer shawl ministry whereby crocheted and/or knitted full size shawls are made and given to people both within the community and within the church family to bring comfort at a time of need. 

Bethlehem Cares

This ministry is directed at members and their families in times of illness, crisis or celebration. Team members send cards, make phone calls, pray and visit as necessary. This is a wonderful way of making sure we are connected, nurtured and prayed for during the good and bad times.

Youth Ministries

OWLL's Our Wonderful Little Lutherans

Younger Lutherans enjoy getting together each Thursday evening at 6:00 for craft filled faith formation. Meetings are sometimes remote and sometimes on site.


Youth meet for service events, recreation and during the school year, and to attend synodical events and the ELCA nation youth gatherings.

Fellowship Ministries

Welcome to the place to discover many of the Fellowship Ministries that take place regularly at Bethlehem. Come and be part of the fun and fellowship. Please check our calendar on the home page for dates of our get-togethers.

Keisler Circle

This is a wonderful group of ladies who gather for a traditional Lutheran Womens' circle.


They meet once a month for dessert and a program.


This began as our seniors' group but has grown to include many "not so senior" folks too. Starlighters meet once a month for a program or trip and always there is a meal involved. This group is for anyone who would like to have fun with a great group of people and who can meet during the day.

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